How to install concourse cli
Concourse uses fly as its cli, if you want to update your pipeline, edit or add new pipeline in concourse you would need to install fly.
The version of the fly in your machine has to match the version of the concourse your organisation is using other wise you will not be able to make any pipeline changes.
in order to download the concourse version of ur organisation just go to the concourse url of your organisation, at the bottom/footer you will be able to see the version number as well as download link. for example in the image below the concourse version is 6.6.0 now based on your machine click on apple for mac and window or linx.
once you have downloaded the fly. Open the terminal and cd into your download folder.
install fly /usr/local/bin
now type the below
which fly
you should see the result like below:
Now you can check the version of the fly installed in your machine with below cmd
fly -v