The best tips on how to find your match
How to find the Mr Right/Perfect Partner, Or how to know if this is Mr right for me is the question I have asked my self and discussed with my friends many times, I would share with you my experience and learning from it. In order to find your perfect partner you need to know your self very well and you need to know what you want, or what you are actually looking for when you are looking for partner, the recipe would be different for every one but the process is same.
Let me elaborate on that. You see there is millions/gazillion amount of people living on this earth surely there is some out there for you all you are looking for is that one person. And if you know for sure what you are looking for and say it out loud to universe. Universe will help you find it.
Most of the time the problem is that we don’t know what we want in our partner we are confused, so when we meet people we get even more confused. We end up in wrong relation ship etc.
If you want to find your perfect partner I want you to sit down quietly and think about the main 5 or more qualities that you want your partner to have, don’t exceed more then 10 though. I am saying 5 because in my real life example I was looking for 5 qualities in my partner 1.Handsome, 2.Educated (at least Bachelor degree), 3.tall 4. Similar believe. 5.loves me.
I put the love in then end because, only if some passes the first 4 categories I would consider to date them. Now these were the main points for me and I had said to myself we will work on the rest of the stuff. Now every one’s list is different some would say I don’t care about education but he has to be rich. Some one would say I don’t care about looks but he has to love traveling etc. now this game of finding partner has some rules too that are below.
1. You can’t put a person in your list. But pick the best quality of that person in your list.
2. Don’t make your list too long, don’t be too fussy
3. Don’t put vague quality in your list, ie I want him to be nice person. Every one is nice when you first meet them their true colour comes out with time. You need to put quality that you can see
4. and last but not the least be ready to compromise for some small defects that other person has. You did not mention it in your list so it did not matter to you a lot before, be ready to accept them.
One more very important mistake that I see specially girls do is that, they date some one and they do not like some thing about that person and it is some thing they can not stand and they say to themselves He/she will change with time, or worse my love will change him/her.
If some thing bothers you it will always bother you, I you want to change some one to love them you don’t actually love them.
May be you hate that about them but they actually love that quality.
Humans hardly change if they don’t want to, you forcing some thing on some is only going to hurt them and in future your relationship. So in short if there is red flags that you don’t like in some one it’s time to move on.
Why the list game/ theory works and is effective.
Because if you have clear list picture in your head of what you want then you know what you are looking for in a person and when you meet thousands of people that Mr right will stand up/ stand out to you from the crowd.
Knowing what you want always help you in your life weather its about finding your partner or life goal, if you know exactly what you want the chances of you finding is 100% and if you have no idea then you will get hurt and and will hurt a lot of people in process of finding some one.
For example if you don’t know the direction you will never get the destination you will be lost.
In the end I wish you all the best in finding your Perfect partner. Click here to read the the ultimate rules of dating/ how to date to actually find some one.